From a Country Controlled by Gangs to a Life-Caring Society: Patricia Bullrich Praises El Salvador.

Bullrich expressed Argentina’s intention to replicate El Salvador’s success in combating crime and enhancing citizens’ quality of life, emphasizing the significant turnaround achieved under Bukele’s leadership. Seguir leyendo From a Country Controlled by Gangs to a Life-Caring Society: Patricia Bullrich Praises El Salvador.

Foreign Company Explores Investment in Organic Fertilizer Plant in El Salvador.

NeoAgro, a South American company, has donated $900,000 worth of biofertilizers to El Salvador, signaling a partnership with the government to enhance agricultural sustainability. CEO Richard Intriago emphasized plans for a bio-plant in the country and transfer of agricultural knowledge. Seguir leyendo Foreign Company Explores Investment in Organic Fertilizer Plant in El Salvador.

El Salvador Leads Latin America in Democratic Satisfaction, According to Latinobarómetro 2023 Report.

El Salvador leads Latin America in democratic satisfaction, with 64% «very satisfied,» surpassing the regional average of 28%, according to the Latinobarómetro 2023 report. Notable shifts in historical satisfaction reveal 2023 as a peak. The study, encompassing 19,205 interviews across nations, highlights the nation’s positive trajectory. Seguir leyendo El Salvador Leads Latin America in Democratic Satisfaction, According to Latinobarómetro 2023 Report.