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Over 100,000 Tourists Reported in Alegria, Usulutan During Holy Week.

Alegria, Usulutan’s communal commission of Civil Protection reported an influx of over 100,000 tourists, including nationals and foreigners, during the recent Holy Week vacation period.

According to Jose Paz, Risk Management Unit Head and member of the Civil Protection Commission, the most visited places between April 1 and April 9 were Laguna de Alegria, where approximately 30,000 entrance tickets were sold, and Finca Rauda, which received around 40,000 tourists.

Paz mentioned, «Throughout the week, all parking lots were full, even on Good Friday. Tourists stayed in hostels until Monday.» Visitors arrived from various parts of the country, and the municipality registered tourists from Germany, the United States, and around 200 Hondurans who arrived in a fleet of buses and minibusses.

According to Paz, the Ministry of Public Works’ crane system, MOP te Asiste, which made approximately 40 vehicles move, helped expedite traffic.

During the vacation period, only four traffic accidents were reported in the municipality, which caused no fatalities or injuries, only material damages.

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